Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Help Impeach Bush

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Fist Bump

After Faux News Anchor ED Hill lost her show over her lame remarks about the fist bump, here is a tribute from the people over at video jug

Barack vs McCain - Epic PokePolitcal Battle

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Green Screen Fun

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kucinich presents impeachment articles for Bush!

This event got little news coverage. I thought I'd at least help show what happened. Kucinich successfully laid out the ground work for a full impeachment. Too bad no one has the guts to do it, Dem or Republicon.





Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Take Back America!

Lewis Black underlines the elephant in the room and exposes the sheer hypocrisy of Bushenomics. Go to to Take Back the Economy

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama is the First African-American Democratic nominee for president.

Tonight Barack Obama finally clinched the official number of delegates needed to secure the nomination. It's already been a long road, but, it has been worth it. Our guy has finally made it, and he did it by playing fair and sticking to his principles. Not to mention, he has run a historically unprecedented campaign raising millions of dollars in way no one has before that others such as John McCain and Ron Paul are trying to duplicate this donating style.

One more time:

Yes We Can!

Much respect goes out to Hillary and her supporters for being such tough activist. It is time to use the fiery energy to oust John McCain's Presidential bid. We need all the help we can get to defeat the war machine and a third Bush term. I know many things were said we may regret, but, it's time to really mo wake up to the reality we face. Three supreme court justice spots will become available within the next Presidency and we cannot afford to have McCain appoint a fully corporate leaning supreme court. I know you may be mad now, but you will be livid if the supreme court makes more rulings like Roberts and Scalia. Tell me what it is you need for reconciliation.

To all democrats thinking of voting for McCain

There isn't much to not like about Obama unless you want to hop on Sean Hannity's band wagon. Next time you bring up Wright or Erres , you continue on the dialog that was started by Hannity and O'reilly. No one was talking about them before Hannity and O'reilly brought it up. Since then it's become an issue and you should be embarrassed clinging to FOX talking points in such a way. Please stop parroting FOX and get fired up!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Come on eveybody, Let's go!

Join the movement at

Ida sets the record straight...