Saturday, March 29, 2008

Show Solidarity with Tibet and the Dalai Lama

This beautiful culture has been enslaved for too long. Support all Olympic business, celebrities, athletes and sponsors who continue to put pressure on China to free Tibet.

Something to consider...

It is worth pointing out that American voters have a choice this November to either let this war keep perpetuating itself by going with McCain, or we have yet another chance to start heading in the right direction. The beautiful thing about this democracy of ours is that every few years we get a chance to throw a spoke in the a big wheel. Any legal citizen has the opportunity to come together and make an impact on the future direction of this country.
While there may be opposition at every corner, thanks to this democracy, this year more than ever we have a chance. They no longer have a monopoly on what is on your TV screen. Use the internet and next gen technology to push the ignorance out of american society while we still have the freedom to do so. The more accurate and truthful the information is, the less power the sheeple have to perpetuate the cycle of sheep marching behind King George and the new King John. It is time for knowledge and truth to make a comeback.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The FOX Machine is Relentless

For some reason, regardless of the fact the Obama is ahead in delegates, 1418 - 1251, and ahead in the popular vote, FOX insists that Obama is hurting from the bad press. Considering that Sean Hannity started this whole mess by drilling his viewers and listeners on Jeremiah Right every chance he had, but, he and others like Laura Ingaharam and Bill Oreilly hit this point several times on every show, everyday.

This video is from just two shows on one given night; March 27

Their is definately something weird about the striking parallelism between the relentless opinions these newscasters and talking heads have compared with the business interests of the very rich.

Help stop the FOX Virus from spreading by signing a petition and viewing other videos at

Monday, March 24, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lee Camp vs.GOP

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This some of my favorites moments from the speeches.

Must be some powerful GOP kool-aid

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Help Stop The Fox Virus from spreading

Go to for more information and to help stop the virus from spreading to vital areas.

-"A small leak can sink a great ship." - Benjamin Franklin

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Parable

Recently the Clinton campaign decided to side with Florida and Michigan and say their delegates should be seated at the upcoming convention. Sound simple enough? It's not. Hillary was apparently running against herself in Michigan. Guess what? She won!

Now that Obama has a huge lead in delegates(1411 - 1250) The Clinton Camp needs any and every vote to stand a chance so they will do whatever it takes which includes doing as much damage to the Democratic party as possible by questioning the credibility and fairness of an honest and open process.

Florida and Michigan knew their elections weren't legitimate. If they want a seat they simply have to hold a legitimate election approved by the Democratic Party or wait until the General Election.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tommy Chong is the man

Sometimes we need it put in simple terms. Bush is a moron, immigration is a natural and anciently occurring trend, and Neil Cavuto needs to smoke joint.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


This is a defining moment when we decide our future and set up the political landscape for next few years.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Let me introduce a side of Hillary you may not know of.